Opa Hallelujah is not a heart specialist; however, he is a doctor of hearts. His medicine doestn't prevent heart attacks but, yes, it does prevent angina of the soul. He doestn't speak any known language but he can understand many; he speaks the universal language of the heart. And his derviche heart travels the world with an invisible gift in his hands.
Opa Hallelujah is not a gym instructor, but he helps to exercise the muscles of the spirit; especially, willpower, that muscle that is capable of realizing incalculable actions or living in a state of pure inertia.
For him, each one lives in his own universe, and every universe is of Allah, the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty. Thus, nobody must be judge of anybody, if it is not with the code of Love. Nor must anybody share his universe if it is not  for Harmony. Nobody must take water from another's well that is not Beauty. And there is only one Judge capable of legislating Love, and He is the Harmony of Beauty. Because of this, the gates of  Opa Hallelujah's heart are open to all the universes; they come where they come from, they believe what they believe. "You are all welcome", says Opa Hallelujah in his presentation. And in truth, that is so.
Opa Hallelujah teaches that the heart is a flower of three colours: green, blue and orange. Each of these colours represents the three stations of life: inspiration, learning and expiration; in other words: birth, life and death. And he does this while he teaches us to speak, read and write. Because we are children in the first steps in the school of life. We have learned a language by repetition; it could have been another. But these languages are fluent in the Holy Tongue. If we swim against the current and we arrive to the fountain of our linguistic river, we will find ourselves  newly in the rich abundance of the Mother Tongue.
Opa Hallelujah knows that Allah always tells the truth (Sadaq Allahu l'Azim) and for this reason his only school-book is the Sacred Qoran. In the Qoran, the vowals and the constanants are the keys that open the universal hearts. The ninety-nine attributes of Allah are the gates that are accessible to these keys, and behind these gates, the Eternal Voice. The Qoran is the bridge that crosses the limits of our narrow world and through the meditation of the sacred mantras, making the contents of our soul overflow in an inappropriate continent.
The heart's doctor will help us come out of ourselves, from this prison that we have converted into our own heart. The trainer of will, will help us place the baton once more in the hands of the only orchestra conductor that we have: our heart, once again. So all, we will do gym work-outs: we must smile in green, make gestures in blue and shout in orange; we will do sit-ups  with our tongue, push-ups with our throat  and lumbar with our nose. We will drink tea, we will eat honey and yogurt and we will sing the true notes; we will learn to read them and write them.
Opa Hallelujah's phonetic workshop is a medicine, not a religion. Opa wants to say “grandfather”. Opa is not a guru, nor a sheikh or a guide. In any case, he is a school master who offers a gift of the heart -his knowledge- to whomever wants to receive it. A knowledge that extends beyond reason. Because only the heart can shelter this knowledge. We will learn with the heart and we leave for the ego, reason with its labyrinth.

Toward the One, the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty,
The Only Being, the Spirit of Guidance.

Open our hearts, that we may hear Thy Voice,
Which constantly cometh from within,
Disclose to us Thy Divine Light,
Which is hidden in our souls,
That we may know and understand life better.

Teach us Thy Loving forgiveness;
Raise us above the distinctions and differences
which divide men;
Send us the Peace of Thy Divine Spirit,
And unite us all in Thy Perfect Being.
(from The Opening, in a reading of Hazrat Inayat Khan,
indian musician and sufi mystic of XX century)

Phonetics Workshop
Qorán, Gospels, Torah, Vedas
Easy Meditation

[ Opa Hallelujah Khalil ]

Grace   U Praise   Mercy

Man is very unique. Throughout the ages men and women have perceived through love a source of light. A light allowed them to look at the world around them and to see its underlying unity. When we see in this way our actions gain certainty, our words have the power to heal, and our very presence brings peace.
There are many paths that each of us may tread to unfold the dreams that lie within every human heart. Each of them as a whole leads to the same place to experience our authentic nature. It is a state of being so refreshing as to catalyze a process of healing that transforms lives. It allows us to transcend even the most extreme of human experiences.

1. Awareness of Self Linguistic capacities.
2. Training Self-discipline, i.e. Time, effort, efficiency, etc.
3. Breaking through to inner peace.

1. Identify the physical matters, functional characteristics, probability and rhythms,
    i.e. Consonants, vowels and melody.
2. Type of actions, drives and correlation,
     i.e. Symbols
3. Practical exercise through divinity attributes, styles and relocation.
4. Different forms with all consonants.
5. Practical harmony of divinity attributes.
6. Positive silence and serenity will lead to enlightenment.
7. Active witness example, walking cheerfully answering that of God in everyone,
    i.e. The Holy Authentic Scripture.

All Are Wellcome

Opening hearts for the divine enlightenment depends on the will, attitude and performance of the trainee.
    i.e. Return the Hearts Towards The Unique One Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omnidirectional.


Info in Madrid:
Khalil & Najat 00 34 629 329 970 - 00 34 663 395 335